Everybody talks about getting rid of the Prince. Few actually make it happen.
At the top of it all, sitting comfortably at the zenith of the city’s nocturnal hierarchy, is the Prince. The Prince is a bastard and monster, yes, but he is also the cork in a bottle. The Prince has been holding this city back from its own baser instincts for decades now.
And now somebody’s gone and fucked that all up.
In fact, the players’ own characters are the ones who bring the Prince down, not realizing that what they’re doing isn’t setting the city free-but rather, setting the monsters free.
Into the Void is a Storytelling Adventure System story for Vampire: the Requiem about what happens when the city suffers a major void of power, and about navigating the horrors that swiftly move to fill that void.
Into the Void is available at RPGNow.com for $6.99.